sábado, março 14, 2020

Etiquetado alimentario e información del consumidor [Labelling and consumer’s information]

“USA - FDA’s Launches Campaign on New Nutrition Facts Label”. The Daily Intake (2020) [Source Blog - K and H - available on the Internet athttps://www.dailyintakeblog.com/2020/03/fdas-launches-campaign-on-new-nutrition-facts-label/  (last accessed on 16 March 2020)].

Robert G. Hibbert and Ryan Fournier, “USA - FSIS Advises on Animal-Raising Label Claims but Issues Still Exist”. Well Done (2020) [Source Blog_morganlewis/com.blogs_welldone - available on the Internet athttps://www.morganlewis.com/blogs/welldone/2020/03/fsis-advises-on-animal-raising-label-claims-but-issues-still-exist#page=1  (last accessed on 13 March 2020)].

“USA - Dairy Industry Urges FDA to Prohibit the Use of Traditional Dairy Terms on Plant-Based Products”. The Daily Intake (2020) [Source Blog - K and H - available on the Internet athttps://www.dailyintakeblog.com/2020/03/dairy-industry-urges-fda-to-prohibit-the-use-of-traditional-dairy-terms-on-plant-based-products/#page=1  (last accessed on 6 March 2020)].

Liran Christine Shan et al., “What makes smartphone games successful in food information communication?”. npj Science of Food, Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020) doi.org/10.1038/s41538-020-0062-8 [available on the Internet athttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41538-020-0062-8.pdf (last accessed on 7 February 2020)].

“Italia: Nutrinform Battery: decreto notificato alla commissione UE”. Alimenti & Salute (2020) [Blog: alimenti_salutez/it.not - available on the Internet athttps://www.alimenti-salute.it/notizia/nutrinform-battery-decreto-notificato-commissione-ue (last accessed on 3 February 2020)].

Sarah Dent, “Vegan labelling: what’s the law?”. BPE (2020) [Blog Source_uk.discover/bpe - available on the Internet athttps://www.bpe.co.uk/discover-bpe/why-bpe/insights/2020/01/vegan-labelling-what-s-the-law/ (last accessed on 17 January 2020)].


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