quarta-feira, junho 21, 2006

Viena (Austria) XVI Congreso de Derecho Alimentario Europeo

Los días 21 y 22 de septiembre de 2006 se celebrará en Viena (Austria) el Congreso:
16th International European Food Law Association Congress
[in Cooperation with the Food Industries Association of Austria (FIAA)]

"How to Make Food Law in an Enlarged Europe: New Trends and Challenges"

Entre las diversas conferencias previstas destacan las siguientes:
  • "New Trends in EU Food Law Regarding the Free Movement of Foods" por Prof. Dr. Werner Schröder, University of Innsbruck.
  • "Recent Case Law Regarding Free Movement of Foods Established by the European Court of Justice" por Dr. Christine Stix-Hackl, First Advocate General, European Court of Justice.
  • "The Role of Positive Lists (e.g. Claims, Fortification, Food Supplements)" por Dr. Christian Hauer, Schönherr Attorneys Andreas Kadi, UNESDA.
Para más información:
Tel.: +
Fax: +
E-mail: secretariat@efla-aeda.org

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